today in Southern California it has been thundering and raining for about 65 minutes.... i actually lay in bed stressing out about how on earth one gets children to school in this treacherous weather, and whether a cereal mercy dash to target is really wise. OMG... i think i became one of "them" :0 incidentally it is 12 years since i moved to America... maybe the weather is a test to see how british i still am ;)
my coffee tastes extra rich and dark today........ for someone who hates it, Aaron make damned fine coffee (and hot too!)
yesterday we took Romeo to Dog Beach for the first time... he has never been off the leash before (well apart from him escaping on day 2 at our home and causing the entire neighborhood to help us chase him) anyway, he L-O-V-E-D it and had fleeting love affairs with a million new doggiefriends (we don't call him Romeo for nothing).... and even came back when we yelled his name AND slept for the next 14 hours straight!
i am in the craziest craftiest mood since my trip to New England... i made beachy picture frames for all around our house, a wreath of perfect white shells (which is sooo not my style but i adore it!) and next on the list is curtains and pillow for the den. hmm... i must have brushed against Martha in the Christmas Tree Shop in Cape Cod because this just isn't normal....
i do NOT like Dr Phil's new theme song. AT ALL - is he being charitable to some whiny white christian "rock" band with soul patches and lame tattoos? i don't know (and i even looked on wikipedia:) but i don't like it... not one iota.