wonderingwould it be so awfully terrible to just eat ONE teeny tiny scone....? i've been so good all day, skipped lunch, walked 10.5 miles (uphill all the way i might add:) and now i am feeling like the scone might miraculously cure my starvation/sunstroke headache.....
lovingthat lavender and mimosa are in full bloom on the walking trail - i picked a little bunch of flowers today for the kitchen window (there is no sign to say 'no picking' so surely it can't be a felony...?)
lookingpensively at the weather report... it's supposed to rain tomorrow and Saturday. on Sunday we are going to Seaworld rain or shine... but it had better jolly well shine (or i am afraid to go... i am such a baby)
noticingi got more text messages today than ever before... and i love text messages :)
hatinghow i can never get anything free using coupons - it's not fair!!
also hatingthose infuriating "buy 10 get $6 back" supermarket promotions. it took HOURS to find 10 things included in the promotion... and now i have more capri sun and waffles than i know what to do with, and i am feeling totally lame for jumping through hoops and spending $55 to save $6. grrrr :|
lovingSam. for sooo many reasons... but these are just a few:
loving hiding behind the bamboo with my paparazzi lens and watching him play
lovingflowers that remind me of Nice