Thursday, October 02, 2008


it's so odd, no matter how different the contents of our shopping carts (3 pairs of ruby red slippers and 1 pair of black patent slippers) we seem to spend the same amount as one another... hmm, do you think their registers don't actually work and they just pluck a number out of thin air and charge everyone the same...? if so, today was a v-e-r-y good day to go ($81!)
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"how you doin'??" when someone gives me THIS look, i know they are about to steal.....
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my animal fries!!! don't worry i gave him one (hehe!) and struggled to eat them with my fingers until at the last bite i found the fork...
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a couple of smoochie pics with Momma....
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( i love how little kids can't NOT open their mouths when they are feeding someone :)
1Picture 108 return for playing with my camera!
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  1. They look great! i can't believe how big he has gotten. and those fries...too bad i'm on a diet.

  2. Anonymous10:24 PM

    OH MY GOSH!! Those Fries. I went there today and forgot about animal style fries.
    Great photos. :)

  3. Anonymous10:46 AM

    Awe Carol, these are so cute! What a fun day. I love Superwalmart, In n Out and hanging out with you. I hope you enjoyed your lemon bars and that you didn't have a stomach ache while Mrs. Sixpack was talkin'
