Monday, March 23, 2009

i dont sleep i dream

today was the weirdest day ever. despite forgetting to take my multivitamins for the past 3 days and not sleeping a wink last night, i had a freakish amount of energy - enough energy in fact to:
  • walk 4 miles to the park while talking nonstop about dinosaurs
  • weed/mow/edge/sweep the entire front yard
  • mow the back yard
  • rearrange the toy shed and set up the basketball hoop
  • wash the toys and set up the sand table
  • sweep again
  • pick Sam up from school with Danny in his favorite red wagon
  • rescue 2 caterpillars on the walk home from the baking hot sidewalk
  • play in the fort, pretending to be a stegasaurus being attacked by a ferocious utahraptor (Danny)
  • play basketball
  • take 919 pictures
  • play frisbee with the dogs
and make dinner. phew. ok, now i'm feeling kind of like sitting down for 5 minutes.

maybe this was the reason today felt so happy.... we booked a vacation!!! we're going to our magical beach house in May after Sam finishes his yucky star testing. the house is the one on the right - AKA the perfect Michael Mancini Melrose Place beach house in Mandibu :) ahhhhhhhhh!

that saucepot Aaron says i am hopelessly starstruck and have a huge crush on Barack Obama. but it's just not true. he could be a big hairy sweaty religious guy with thong sandals for all i care and i would still gush and guffaw over him for being so awesomely cool, funny, smart and positive. OK... maybe a big hairy sweaty religious guy with thong sandals is a bad example, but Aaron, it's just not true!! (i keep that lovely pictorial of him doing dishes in my bedside table for it's valuable political content :)

my music folders are so hopelessly messed up... i must have 5 folders with varying punctuation full of REM music. sometimes i get so tired looking for an album in my F and G folders, i - shh - buy it again :| when i need to hear Beachball, i reaalllly need to hear it. it's honestly better than aleve and diet coke....

this life is sweet
me in honey
1usPicture 082

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