Saturday, April 25, 2009

random thoughts

must must must must must buy soup tomorrow at costco. MUST.

fffee0 not ffeee0 - no, fffee0 fffee0 (doesn't everyone have photoshop color codes permantely adhered to their brain?)

is it even humanly possible to have real breakfast, vacuum, mop, dust and get to the Natural History Museum by 9:30am?

why does Mimi's serve carrot cake before dinner? it makes absolutely no sense (so i wrap it up and take it home to eat later with coffee)

must send my letter to George Michael... Elton is quitting Caesars in Vegas and sooooo i want him to take over his slot...

i've played automatic for the people by REM 250,000 times in the past 17 years and i still absolutely love it more than any album ever made (and predict i will forever more). it's like peace potion/aleve/diet coke/big sur/cool breezes/great moments with Mr Obama in musical form

i wonder what happened in the end of slumdog millionaire.......

scenes from a random kind of day
planting fennel, pumpkins, onions and peas (the perfect meal:)
he swam - even though it was a frosty 66 degrees
1danPicture 114
sam's award assembly yesterday1samPicture 023
we're petsitting
1humpPicture 159
we made the world's best jelly donuts today (i am not even slightly kidding) out of cans of biscuit dough and a cupcake frosting thingie, who knew.... )
marching his pb&j soldiers

1 comment:

  1. So did you deep fry the biscuits? my grandma does that, then frosts them with maple frosting...oh yum!!!!
