Wednesday, April 01, 2009


am i the ONLY person in OC that takes the 'no holding your cell phone while driving' law seriously? if i ever have to use my phone in a dire emergency (such as to get free tickets on the stroke of 9am on the 1st day of the month or calling home to see if Aaron needs razor blades) the stress of having to keep ducking under the dashboard or pretending i am just holding my very sore ear, is too much to bear and i just can't do it - i have to pull over. however, the average white SUV driving, foot-on-dashboard OC housewife just veers wildy from left to right lane while throwing snacks at her kids in the back, all the while holding her phone/texting/shopping online like she has every right to do so. as a law-abiding citizen, i so don't belong here.

however... i did do something horribly illegal and awful without thinking it through properly and i'll never do it again because my heart is still racing 2 hours later.... i ran (at 100mph) into the store to return a DVD to redbox and left Danny in the car as he was whining SO MUCH about coming inside - gulp. leaving him unattended for those 24 seconds send me into an emotional tailspin and i almost backed into a herd of old ladies and ran over a crow with the stress hormone coursing through my veins. being a mom sucks!!!

today i drove past the most pointless thing ever - the Orange County Great Park :| it's the biggest waste of tax dollars on earth. it is a great big park (hence the name - not great as in 'cool') with nothing but a big hot air balloon in the middle of it that is free to go up in and permanently staffed with millions of employees... but it never goes up in the air... due to low visibility, wind, inclement weather... it never goes up!! but they keep it staffed ALL THE TIME! get rid of it!!!! the teachers at Sam's school are losing their jobs - we can't afford a big orange balloon that is permanently grounded (but fully staffed at all times)

have i mentioned i love walmart? i love it even more today than i did yesterday but less than i will tomorrow (i don't doubt). anyway, Danny is Land Before Time mad - for months i have been looking for the little soft toys from the movies as he loves Pee-twee and Duckie and Free-Horn so much, but those collector types on ebay keep the prices of 'collectible' toys so hiked up children can no longer play with the toys they love :| i want to march on Capitol Hill to make it illegal to profit excessively from childrens' toys. actually i just want to march - whatever the cause! anyway, we found Duckie Dinosaur for $7! he is watching movies with Duckie right now and the house is perfectly still :) thank you walmart!!!

off to walk and then pack some more... i just got an email from DIANNE FREAKING FEINSEIN!! she is my senator and go-to gal for Washington DC tours :0

my february collage (i realllly should be packing....)
this is my handwriting in a font, it's named, ahem, babycat :)


  1. Im so with you on the phone thing Carol.Its against the law to speak on the phone here and the amount of people who think its still ok to do and they are no execption to the law bugs the hell out of me.I alwasy shout at them it annoys me to no end.

  2. Carol your photos are so amazing. I just love them. I miss you posting on Flickr, but honestly I think I adore your photos even more since you became de-flicrized. LOL! The little glimpses into your life are really wonderful.

  3. aack - how did you make your handwriting a font? how cool is that? and yes, i am not in oc - i am in the ie, but see people on the phone all the time.. i secretly wish there was a cop behind me to see too, but no.

  4. YOU. you need to call me. do you still have my number? i hope so cause i am not leaving it here...peta and i are talking about you :) how i miss you and never see you and now i hear you are moving!!?? are you on vacation now too? we need to know when you are leaving and when you are coming back so we can plan to see you SOON. so send us a note--k?? xxoo

  5. I did that once with Bella and I haven't been arrested yet. I never ever ever talk on the phone while driving either so I abide by the rules too. I also actually stop at stop signs. I have been busy lately but haven't seen my friend with the baby yet either but things are lightening up so maybe in the next week or so. Have fun in Cape Cod!
