Wednesday, May 06, 2009

it's wednesday... right?

(looks up and checks)
i slept with the windows open last night. i love to sleep with the windows open so i can actually snuggle under the quilt (it's always too hot here). then i remembered why i don't.... a skunk sprayed in our yard during the night and the smell was so bad, i've been laying in bed wanting to kill that skunk since 3am. damn you, mr skunk!

he usually comes into our garage to steal pet food and sprays in there - he's a little asshole, i tell you

so... we are renting the perfect Michael Mancini beach house next week. last time i was there a three storey (the english spelling... story just looks wrong to my eyes) mansion was being built next door and i have been pondering whether the construction would take a little something away from my beachfront zen experience. so we called the realtor and she duly went to take pictures..... sent them back and they are of the alley at the back of the house, 6 pictures of it and not one the beach........ arghhh!!!

if you want something done, you so clearly have to do it yourself - so i am going to drive up and look at that beachfront for myself :|

back later with more tales of the unexpected...

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