Monday, June 01, 2009

monday night

my nose is doing the strange thing again where it looks unusual when i close one eye and look sideways at it... is it odd to bring it up at my next doctor's appointment?

today so far, i have eaten not very much.
the list:
one inch of a banana
a can of diet coke
one chicken breast
2 flaky biscuits (urgh... my moment of pathetic weakness)
strawberries and fake cream
a bite of one of Danny's freshly baked warm pains au chocolat - ohh it was GOOD!

sadly (ok not so sadly;) i was unable to work out, thanks to the DVD being broken. therefore i was unable to do my Pilates for Dummies. but thankfully Aaron fixed it ready for tomorrow's work out (grr....)

the robotic vacuum cleaner is here! as is my fancy remote control that i can hold behind my back for my camera! and a certificate for a free build-a-bear! it's been a wonderful day in the neighborhood. not to mention getting sunkissed at the beach and letting the kids play all day long. oh yes, mr rogers would have approved of today :)

pics so far...
1sraahPicture 1190
1elliotPicture 685
1buttercupkids twokidsPicture 937

1 comment:

  1. Oh, speechless.

    And I know where the other 5 inches of banana went.
