Wednesday, July 08, 2009

the day in things........

it was sooooo hard to get up today! firstly i had no clue what day it was, or if i had slept through two entire days and it was indeed weekend - sadly it wasn't :( clearly even half a sleeping pill is still too strong for me. and ohhh my poor sunburnt shoulders, it hurts to even type the word shoulders, even after repeatedly plastering them with an ectoplasm-like substance throughout the night :( NEVER AGAIN will i step foot outside the house without at least SPF 135 sunblock. NEVER AGAIN i say!

decided since i was up so late (7am) to hold off on my morning creamy coffee and get my blood drawn at 8am on the dot, when the office opens! programmed my trusty GPS and we were off! hmm, 339 miles to the doctor's office....? what... the ONLY 2212 Fourth Street in California is in Ceres, CA and it will take me 5 hours to get there??? but i haven't had my coffee yet!!! ohhhh how i hate my evil snake of a GPS, she is SOOOOO FREAKING MEAN to me! finally i figured out that we live just a block away from 2212 Fourth Street and eyeballed my way there with NO HELP from the woman on the dashboard. who needs you Mrs GPS!!

the blood work went OK (my veins weren't rolling today:|) and we set off for swim class. clearly i was delirious from losing 4 big tubes of blood at 2212 Fourth Street, because suddenly the 16 year old swim teachers around the pool were all looking hopelessly cute and i couldn't help but wonder whether they are on facebook and if they have their own cars ;) had a cup of coffee and yogurt to set my mind back to mother-mode and set off for glamorous Winco. where all hell broke loose when Sam spilled a container of m&ms e-v-e-r-y-w-h-e-r-e and Danny got a toilet plunger completely stuck to the floor, taking both of us all our strength to free it's grip on the linoleum :|

now i am in bed. at 6:04pm. with brownies. and a whole pile of 'buy me's on DVR :) back tomorrow with more :)

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  1. LOL I cracked up at the plunger stuck to the ground. Too funny!

  2. Nice blog today Carol,

    Are you climbing on the supermarket shelves to get a good angle...please be careful up there;-)
