Saturday, August 29, 2009

complete randomness

i don't really like the new pope. that's his name around here, 'the new pope'. sure i have his picture on my fridge but i never look at his eyes, they look small, judgmental and beady to me. the old pope was 'the nice pope who wore bono sunglasses', i liked him just fine, he had much kinder eyes.

i don't really like Tim McGraw either... he seems like a bit of a tool to me and i bet he has a big booming center-of-attention voice like most other southern gentlemen ;) the fictional Atticus Finch being the notable exception...

can't decide which beach to go to. but i AM taking my stripy beach chair with me and i AM taking the 300mm f2.8 hubble telescope :)

i am somewhat intrigued by paulette macarons. but not enough to drive to Beverly Hills. i wonder if they taste like most overpriced, but very attractive line-out-the-door stuff like sprinkles... a little stale and a lot overrated. i'm admittedly hard to please (though Susiecakes always does)

must get ready, pack sodas and fruit (healthy;) and go! it's a beach day xox


  1. 300mm f2.8 hubble telescope :)

    ...This did make me it really that big??

  2. I love macaroons. And those look so beautiful. We should go try them sometime.
