Tuesday, September 15, 2009

do you hear that.....?

it's silence :| because both my children are AT SCHOOL :| i have two voluptuous full hours to sip coffee and straighten horizons and remove blotchiness, without having to make a single shrinky dink dinosaur, play a single game of dinosaur bingo, watch a single episode of megabeasts or heat up a single chicken dinosaur.... because Danny has today returned to preschool... under the clever disguise of "PRE-K", since he never wanted to go to "preschool" and cried every tuesday/thursday morning. and i think..... he might have fallen for it :)

however... i actually get about 105 dinosaur-free minutes because Danny buried his 'good' velociraptor in the sandpit outside school before he went inside and couldn't find it... so i get to rake an entire volleyball sized sandpit before i pick him up. that sounds like so much fun.

yesterday i got a coupon for a free home town buffet! how i looooove home town buffet, and that coupon is burning a serious hole in my kate spade coupon wallet (such sweet irony - a $100 wallet to save pennies:) i am thinking i will hold off going till friday so as to give me something to live for, but who knows... we might go tonight!!!!!!!

i wonder when people say they have a family tradition... do they keep with that family tradition even if it would be not fun to do it...? is a family tradition to just do it, regardless of how much fun it will be? i am thinking for example someone who always does a picnic the sunday before school starts - if it would be too much work to do it or too hot/too cold, would they still force themselves to do it, even if it would suck just because it's tradition? we have things we do, but i wouldn't say they are family traditions because once it starts to be too much work, we just stop. are we quitters? will we never have family traditions? sigh.

watching the ultimate mad hatter's tea party :) i am feeling so very very very clever right now, being on Team Obama, even as i load my rake into the back of my car to go and look for a plastic dinosaur :)

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