Monday, September 07, 2009

shrinky dinks

i'm only slightly obsessed with shrinky dinks :|

these are the first batch with 'frosted ruff and ready' (how i love that sassy name:) paper and colored pencils. there is no methodology in our design studio (ie kitchen table), the boys make whatever the boys want from dinosaurs, tracing pictures from books, to consonants to stars out of little leftover scraps of paper ;) the ballet dancers are all mine...
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then i graduated to inkjet paper and a shocking addiction was born :| i had to drive to 3 (THREE!) michaels around town, using my naughty supposed- to-be-one-per-day-50%-off-coupons at each location in order to secure a 6 pack for $5 :) shh, don't tell Michael.... but technically i consider him a drug dealer since shrinky dinks are THAT addictive and i have to have at least a 6 month future supply at all times :|
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next on the list, dog tags from Martha (love her for inspiring me/hate her for making me feel so horribly useless and clutzy and devoid of any original ideas)....


  1. Trish McCoy4:47 PM

    OMG carol your gonna get me on this addiction. Love the photo ones you did. Am I gonna be able to control myself if I get started :) uuughhh I love all your little creations.

  2. The little photos look so cool! I've never heard of shrinky dinks, sounds fun!

  3. You know you are making me want to go out and buy Shrinky Dinks now, right? I used to love them as a kid. Which aisle are they stashed away in? I'll go while the big kids are in school. =)

  4. i am so totally inspired!!! thank you carol for sharing these creative ideas. i can't wait to try with bowie and for myself.

  5. Ingrid, they are hard to find but the lady said they are usually by the rubber stamps, up in a rack on the wall. I usually have to ask and then explain to the mystified 20 year old what they are, feeling about 130 years out of date :(

  6. don't forget "frosted ruff and ready" is best for kid art! inkjet for printing pictures but it's too shiny to draw on. i have no clue what all the other types do... yet ;)

    supposedly you can also cut up old plastic containers (#6 type) to make DIY shrinky dinks, but i can't find any #6 plastic in our kitchen :(

  7. OKAY!!! I want to do this...did you really shrink photos? Really? I need to figure out how to do this.
    SO COOL!!!

  8. okay, i've got 2 packs of shrinky dinks. carol, are there any hints or tips you can share?

  9. Autumn, if you are printing pictures, try to use pictures without a lot of dark tones and even then, you need to lighten them a lot, as once they get denser in color when they are tiny. and when you bake them, wait as they curl up then uncurl and lay completely flat - if you pull them out too soon they set and are all messed up.

    today i printed big letters and numbers for Danny who refuses to learn and keep the alphabet in his head. and we trace pictures from books too. and we made tags for Sam's backpack. my obsession is in it's early days, i am sure i will be making everyone a shrinky dink ornament this christmas :)

  10. Oh my gosh, you have no idea how happy I am to have come about this post. Lunch break can't come fast enough so I can RUN to Michaels! Thank you!
