Tuesday, September 22, 2009


excited to watch Danny in school today. he is so fun and lovely and i am not biased one bit!

if Danny's cough is still caused by the larynx damage or the flu shot he got yesterday. argh. regardless he can't miss school, for i am the special helper!!

still wondering
how on earth in the facebook quiz said i was star belly sneetch??? star belly sneetches don't carry $10 bags and shop at winco. and i have never once ever switched from canon to nikon to canon. my car is 8 years old :| i demand a recount :|

looking forward to
weekend... vegas, with no children asking which is bigger - an allosaurus or a nanotyrranus? oh and did i mention the magical all-you-can-eat-all-day-long buffet wristbands :)

also looking forward to
golden hour at the pumpkin patch tonight, i even remembered carrots for the ponies and duck bread (shh, don't tell the bossy old ladies or they'll arrest me after lecturing me to death :)

grateful for
completely empty days once in a while with nowhere to be at any specific time

also grateful for
my new glass coffee cup

51 degree mornings

also loving
my boys :) Sam rode his bike around the block ALONE 3 times yesterday and Danny ate real unprocessed chicken breast. and Aaron folded all the laundry. ahhhhhhhh!

1 comment:

  1. I really hope the strider goes away. :( poor danny. :(
