Thursday, October 08, 2009

late edition

went to...
Danny's baseball practice... nowhere on earth do i feel more of an alien (the type of alien with hard consonents) than sitting among the housewives of OC. i don't have a louis luitton purse. i don't drive a land rover. i don't wear yoga pants. nor do i have a tattoo on the small of my back. or a child named "Riggs" or "Jagger". and my child is clearly - very very CLEARLY not taking ADD or ADHD medication;) i guess, sometimes, it's good to feel a little bit different :)

though i did...
have a moment of total panic when i saw a COYOTE fast approaching coach Johnny from the bushes. yes a real life child-eating coyote :| or at least i think that's what i saw... i took some sinus relieving tablets for the pressure cooker that is my head this afternoon, and either they are making me see invisible coyotes or i DID see a real life coyote. but no-one else saw it :| and i was afraid to yell out for fear of looking like a total loon :|

for dinner...
ate the most magnificent frozen food invention ever - the costco el pollo loco bowl thingie. so so good. and filling. and only 280 calories. and did i mention good???!

i think...
oprah heard my desperate plight to be entertained... because her shows this week have actually been about real people, with real problems and it's actually been somewhat watchable again. sure tomorrow she'll have Will Smith on or that awful panel of really boring people all talking over one another, and i will curse myself for speaking too soon :(

spent one entire hour...
trying to spend a $10 coupon in kohl's. the catch: you had to spend over $10 to use it... which sounds perfectly simple but could i find anything for over $10, but somewhat under $100, that i actually WANTED? nope, not a sausage. urgh, i hate being caught up in coupon hell where i end up wasting my time and still not redeeming my coupon, or worse still buying something i didn't even want/need.... argh.

off to bed

1danPicture 127
1yankeePicture 252


  1. Wow, these photos are amazing! Love the baseball image.

  2. Going to spend my Kohl's $10 coupon, and I normally have the same trouble as you.
