Monday, October 19, 2009

monday morning!

i awoke with the lark this morning to stealthily remove my sock monkey out of a sleeping Danny's arms and make some new actions in photoshop. i swear i hadn't even got to the kitchen today and Sam's door crept open :| then he commenced to asking a thousand unanswerable questions, talking for 3 entire minutes nonstop about the new reading groups that start today and how today is NOT a minimum day and that bums him out, and now he is LOUDLY slurping the milk from his cereal at at least 750 decibels in my ear. someone help me!! i'm a regular human being stuck inside a mommy fat suit and i want to get out!! :(

i shushed him... that should give me at least 20 seconds of pure silence. oops no, it was more like 8. and now Mr Bumps is meowing because his food bowl isn't full to overflowing and he needs it full to overflowing this second. i once read that cats only meow because they are imitating their owners.... and i think i know exactly who he gets his chattiness from :|

i dreamt last night - all night i should add - that i was running for the bus. and i kept forgetting stuff like money and children and a long church-going dress all covered in plastic... and it didn't matter how fast i ran, i never got to the bus stop. on the plus side the bus was going really slowly and stuck in traffic but still... i have a tense aching jaw from all the stress of running for that dang bus....

those i-am-not-a-robot word authenticator thingies are so troubling - firstly because i have robotic eyes and usually can't read them first thing and the words aren't real words... 'deathbedo' isn't a word. nor is 'gravesido'.... hmmm maybe it's a halloween thing??

sock monkey and friend and future stripey sock monkey sitting between them :) pssst, is it me or does my sock monkey have ahem, lady breasts....?
1monkPicture 004


  1. Hee hee! I did notice the little boobies, they are so cute though! Makes me want to make one

  2. Hee hee! I did notice the little boobies, they are so cute though! Makes me want to make one

  3. Those are both totally cute!!! And I hear ya with your morning sshhsshhing with Sam. Elliot can be that way. I can only imagine how it will be in 6 more years.
