Thursday, October 29, 2009

thursday loves

i love showbiz gossip. especially ridiculous showbiz gossip :) for example.... did you know Barry Manilow is allegedly married with three children under 6 and that's why he's quitting Vegas ;)

i love it being the night before a road trip :)

i love Michael Jackson and finding some 'new' MJ songs for the above mentioned road trip. i haven't seen "this is it" yet but i cannot wait! i'm saving it as a cure for the after-vegas blues :)

i love mcdonald's french fries

i love little girl energy in our very boyish home

i love halloween class portraits

i love carving pumpkins (but not the before scooping-out part or the after cleaning-up part - just the carving part :) mine's the black dog which - duh- isn't black when it's lit up :
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