Monday, November 30, 2009


disneyland... barely. but oh how i hate tourists who stand around looking disgusting and bewildered in elastic waist shorts (PS IT'S FRREEZING HERE) and fanny packs :| and always with the brand new reeboks - the dead giveaway if any is needed :)

the store i have been looking for all my mommy life: kitson kids. it's true - heaven is a place on earth :)

far far far too long comparing mickey mouse cookie cutters... and ended up with the first one i saw

home at the speed of light as Danny announced the second we got out of the car park that his butt needed to "bomit". we got home in 9 minutes and he then proceeded to play with his new argentinasaurus, Jinto :|

invites out. sigh, Martha suggests 3 weeks in advance.... 5 days in advance will just have to do :)

i made these with the kids today
1feltPicture 320
1Picture 322
but i actually ended up making them with his company as the kids got bored :|
1catPicture 314
watching the top ten dinosaurs is far more exciting than making cookie boxes and felt lollipops :|

even argentinasauruses need their butts washed :)
picture 444 in the candy store. i love that candy store :)
1candyPicture 444
cotton candy stop
1danPicture 470


  1. Oh my goodness, what beautiful pictures. I love the one of Danny making his new dinosaur, and the one of you and your pretend baby is absolutely adorable!

  2. man, i've missed reading your blog...
    i love your photos and stories and those kids are all so adorable.

  3. love the shot of the kitty. sigh...such beautiful light.

    you using your lensbaby in some of these or just the fisheye? lvoe the start bekoh.

  4. You look very cute with that pretend baby :)

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