Friday, January 01, 2010

friday things

really cool storyboard picture frames at michaels on sale for $3.50 - for a pack of 2! now i just have to decide what to put in them......... hmmmmm

the really really hilly hike with the boys and dogs and they didn't complain once :)

to david bowie and elvis presley - it's a tie, i can't decide which one i love more today :)

the scrapbook calendar thingie that is the only crafty scrapbooky thingie i can make :|

roughly sketched
the route for our sea-to-shining-sea cross-country drive this summer... i want to visit carlsbad caverns, eat steak in texas, visit graceland, take Sam's 10th birthday pic at the huge numbers in indiana, visit the bill clinton library, eat at the automatic for the people restaurant in athens, ga and of course stop at many many random diners and superwalmarts along the way... note to self: get more SD cards :)

secretly set aside
the last deeply fudgy brownie... it is the most heavenly batch yet! i might share it though ;)

he wanted to fly a kite at the beach on his day to do whatever he wanted :)
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and go to disneyland... we compromised and went as far as downtown disney :)
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sparkly cupcakes
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look what i found in a box in the garage....
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and this unredeemed coupon :)
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1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the smiles. As always, your posts brighten my day. Corny but true. :)
