i have...
a serious hankering for salted caramels but sadly, i have not any left :(
i don't have...
the same hankering for sugar-free strawberry jello of which i have a full container :(
i only buy...
small pieces of fresh produce, especially potatoes and bananas, in a bid to reduce waste, save money and lose weight (yes Dr Phil... it's NOT working for me)
i really should...
take a shower but it's sooo cold here, that i just can't (ps since when did 61 degrees feel like Antarctica...?)
i am trying to distract myself from...
going on a mercy dash to trader joe's for salted caramels (and the other 17 favorite indulgences i always get when i am there:)
i wish...
i could think of what to make into a storyboard... how can i have 150 million pictures and not have 3 that belong together...?
i wonder....
when the new dish drainer will arrive and if it can possibly live up to my wildest dreams
i am still thinking...
about last night's desperate housewives and how dreadful it is... like 'after the writer's strike' dreadful :|
time for 'dead like me' and a dessert for one shared by two... ok maybe two desserts for one shared 50/50 by two so we both get a bite of brownie sundae and cookie dough icecream :)
What I read in November 2020
It’s almost the end of the year! The kids are going to be done with school
any day now, I am so excited. That means my book reading will go down
thanks Carol...you made me crave salty carmels from Trader Joes so I actually went there yesterday strictly for them, and bought them, and ate some, and now...just thankyou! :) Do you know how many things I have bought and tried because you have mentioned them on your blog!? Talk about product placement woman! Thankyou darling!