Tuesday, May 25, 2010

good things

having a full tank of gas and the correct amount of air in each tire

picking our own fruit

running errands on foot

candy floss

the house smelling like cedar

shopping in Target kidfree at 8am :)

the first glimpse of the Vegas skyline

making a baby belly laugh

a brand new super crisp lens

'just dance' instead of boring 'my fitness coach'


the rats frenzied excitement when i put their fresh veggies, raisins and wholewheat bread in their food bowl :) they quickly carry the very best stuff up to their bedrooms one piece at a time, up and down three rattie floors over and over and over :)

Corey's good things

clean white sheets

New York pizza

warm-from-the-dryer socks on cold wood floors

the African Hut - the best British store outside of Britain, ok, Santa Monica ;)


feeding the ducks

the playdoh table at preschool (my favorite)

salt and vinegar popchips (they claim you can eat the whole bag without feeling miserable and only dreaming that you could induce vomiting afterwards.... and they even come in frustration free packaging :)

must go - back later xox

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