Friday, May 21, 2010

i don't like....

(because it's all about balance :)

school carnival day :[ yes i admit i hate going and i dread going from the moment the date is announced. it's hot and full of kids and terrible food. and seeing as i have a cotton candy maker right here at home... why would i ever need to go to a carnival ever again...? because of my kids - right :[

Trinity Church in Santa Ana for being inconsiderate to neighboring schoolchildren (didn't God like children...? and wasn't there something about 'love thy neighbor' in the bible... i'm sure there was!) and the community around them. God bless you, Trinity Church!

people who assume they are the center of universe :[ (newsflash: the earth core is:)
update: Aaron informs me that the SUN is... mr know it all :)

being solely responsible for collecting the money/buying/presenting the teacher gift to Mrs Kay. i'd much rather be an elf than Santa Claus :[

all the "OMG did you see Grays???! i almost peed my pants!" status updates on facebook. no i did not see Grays... like EVER. my wildest dream would be that that the entire hospital and all evidence of the show was vaporized to nothingness.... did that happen??! if so, this should be on my like list :[

people who drive too slow or too fast - when clearly everyone should be driving the same speed as me :[

finding Danny's clown with grass hair has been given a very bad haircut by Mr Bumps (to add insult to injury...)

any Kardashian

having to go to two places today that are at opposite sides of the world. oh, and Tustin Ranch Costco too :[

RHONJ... all of them! they're boring and lame. and ps people make fun of Jersey girls and they're sooooo NOT jealous ;) they're my least favorite real housewives :(

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