Tuesday, July 20, 2010

that's IT!!!

i want Mr UPS's head on a stick in my front yard as a WARNING for all future delivery drivers that they should jolly well check they don't have something in their truck for me, for example, an anxiously awaited villaware pizzelle maker ordered and paid for one full week ago : [

yes he did it again - he drove right by my house, holding my precious pizzelle maker hostage (it's been in his truck since 6:00am this morning when it was supposedly 'out for delivery'... i bet he and all his friends have been using it - nothing would surprise me anymore) he always claims our house cannot be found - even though i bought the hugest numbers for the front of the house and surely he has a GPS?

seriously now i KNOW he is spying on me too - he just came back with my pizzelle maker : he roared past my house not 10 minutes ago - i knew it was him because the sound of a diesel truck driving up our street makes my dogs go bananas with rabid excitement and i could hear 'what's new pussycat' blaring from the open doors :)

i shall go and make my pizzelles... it's VERY exciting!!!! fingers crossed they aren't a huge disappointment like everything else in life :) xoxo

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