Saturday, August 28, 2010


i miss summer already and it isn't even technically over :( i want to go to Joshua Tree and take pictures of joshua trees and stay in a hotel with a really nice pool in Palm Springs - is that too much to ask?????

i also realized i don't have THE joshua tree on my iphone. i must fix that today. i had a dream Bono was digging holes last night, which must be connected to the dead joshua tree story... i wonder who killed THE joshua tree and why someone would do something like that??? i wonder if joshua trees can just fall over by themselves - i have to look it up...

i tried to grow my very own joshua trees in 1994 - quite a feat of horticultural magic in dark rainy England (ohhh how typing those words just made my heart break a little with inside day missing blues). i had successfully raised a batch of 12 trees in my little IKEA greenhouse when my Mum decided she and her green thumb knew best and give them some sunshine. they all died instantly :( which is strange seeing as they grow in death valley here....

i don't know who rachel zoe is, but boy is she boring. i hate all those clothes shows - project runway too - SO boring. and all the cake ones too - they are so lame and trite. and for the record, if i ever got a cake made of iced marshmallow treats, boy would i be PISSED... now that would be a show worth watching :|

i am still hopelessly addicted to bookworm - it's bad.... like we-have-no-groceries bad :|

i really want showtime

off to do a jigsaw puzzle with a small child - because it's what i do :)

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