Sunday, September 12, 2010

likes and dislikes this week

this week i really liked Cat from real housewives. and she's usually absolutely horrible. but this week she was refreshingly british, commonsensical and honest in all the right ways :) and plus her (ex)hubbie is really incredibly sweet and lovely ;)

due to being too incredibly sick to shop today (i had big plans for finding more japanese treasures), tune wiki became my bestest friend. and i didn't know if you turn it sideways, the words get even bigger :)

i love that target has small paul pyjamas in mom too :) i was in too much of a vertigo tizzy to decide between the skull pjs or the big apple pjs but i must go back when the world is spinning a little slower around me :|

i love 'it might be you' from the movie tootsie :) i don't have any cool classy movies in my favorite movies ever top ten - i like unclassy movies like tootsie, pretty woman, my cousin vinny and the wedding singer :)

i like (with a huge sigh of relief) that i successfully scared alpha boy's mom away from ever dumping him on me again, by hinting that he really really really was quite a handful....... i do feel kind of awful about it, but not really, since i just don't like bratty self-important behavior at all, in big or small people.

i don't like the verb 'to photo', because it's very very wrong. you photograph something, you don't photo it, i might just have to unfriend Gentle Barn because of their cruelty to the english language

i hate ornaments that tell me to live laugh love. what option is there other than to live - dead people generally don't buy personality-void ornaments

i don't like when people say they 'pull' something instead of choose it - pull, then what?? the nuns at my old school would flip their habits....

and i don't like the term to 'pick up' instead of ' buy' - pick up, then what????!

i hate when someone asks where i've been and how come they never see me anymore and then they 'tie me down' to a date... and then on the day they postpone because something came up... and then postpone again... but somehow they still think it's me that's the flake....?

i don't like those dumbed-down kindle songs - musically i'm light years beyond organic nursery rhymes at this point, i like angst filled lyrics, feedback and the potential for blisters on my fingers (is Rock Bank 3 really really really out next month??!)

i still... after 9 years... cringe when hearing George W Bush refer to the 9/11 terrorists as 'folks'. i figured it was just down to shock and a poor vocabulary and not due to a lack of empathy. that was until Laura Bush appeared on Oprah complaining that she and George had had to sleep on camp beds that night and they were so darned uncomfortable :[ no mention of tossing and turning and waking, sweaty from unthinkable nightmares that were actually true... no, their beds just weren't soft enough :[

sigh. so i guess he and his wife still make my mean reds unlike list too :[

back tomorrow xoxox

1 comment:

  1. Tarnya Hall2:10 AM

    Umm, hello??? Where are the PICTURES Carol?? I always love your words but I haven't seen any pictures from you in what... a week?
    What's the matter? Cat got your camera?
