Thursday, September 02, 2010

first day

both boys' teachers this year - that's a very good thing. i hope they don't let me down after labor day by wearing white shoes or anything like that :)

the little brat who stole Danny $10 gummies at snack yesterday doesn't reoffend today - or i might have to go Kelly Bersimon on his mom after school and 'take her down' for raising a thief of a child (yes they were really $10 - for 20 packs of anemic looking organic bunnies - i hate organic things they are so orange county and useless... so much for costco being a bargain place to shop... but Danny tried them and wanted them and it was his first day of kindy so i buckled under the emotional pressure to make him happy and he ended up unhappy anyway thanks to that little crook... his mom's goin' down...)

from a very, very, very long walk yesterday - i was like a runaway horse (not a runaway bride - i do NOT like Julia Roberts) without kids to hold me back and whine about being too hot/too tired/too achey :)

why moms on facebook feel the need to compete for being the best mom... if they're trying to impress me and overwhelm me with their greatness, i remain woefully unimpressed and underwhelmed :)

off to school xox

fifth grader
samfirst day

1 comment:

  1. yeah for the first day! the boys are adorable. I love that you have a fall wreath are awesome.
