Thursday, February 10, 2011

i kind of hope i'm getting the flu....

... because if i'm not, i'm mostly likely possibly dying :(

not only is my tennis elbow hurting like crazy (which i still refuse to acknowledge) but i ache everywhere else too. can't unpoint my toes - it's hard to walk and drive as you have to unpoint your toes. and my right hip hurts. and i am HOT - then FREEZING. then vice versa :( maybe i'm allergic to lemon iced tea? or i am being poisoned??? i drank 5 cups of lemon iced tea yesterday and immediately wanted to fall asleep but actually toss and turn because i was too achey to be able to :( maybe it's stress - too much of it this week

annnnnnd it's windy AGAIN today. i understand it always being windy on a wednesday, that's the Santa Ana rule: windy wednesdays. but windy thursdays - it's just not right! can't walk - won't walk!!

today i propose to pull out more dandelions with Danny (for some reason he absolutely LOVES this job), buy more turf builder (and this time one WITH WEED CONTROL!!!) and maybe go to Target and see that might make my flu go away. it sometimes works - and i have gift cards if all else fails ;)

back later xoxoxxoxoxoox

1 comment:

  1. I do not like having the flu.
    I do not like the flu on you.
    I do not like the wind I say.
    I do not like it everyday.
    I do not like those nasty weeds.
