Thursday, September 01, 2011

white rabbits

white rabbits white rabbits - hurray, i said it and therefore everything's going to be ok today - today being... the first day of school :|

i hate the first day of school.... i haven't slept since last friday :| i am sure i am the only mother on earth who doesn't relish the day her children return to where they belong. i hate changes (even the David Bowie song and i loooove David Bowie - i can't stand the stuttery awful ch-ch-ch part) beginnings and ends are my nemesis, i only really like the middle part of anything, and even then not always so much :|

but it's going to be ok - even though Sam is going to middle school and it's huuuge - bigger than South Coast Plaza - with lockers that have impossible-to-remember combinations and 10 different rooms to be at very specific times, PLUS i have to pick him up 2 minutes before thing 2 gets out at an entirely different school with NO parking (breathes into paper bag)... but it's going to be ok :|

in good news, the Real Housewives of Beverly Hills are back! i am SO RELIEVED that that horrible Russell man's death didn't get it canceled - nice try buddy, but the women of America need their crap TV and pointless drama!!

but sadly for the women of America, George Clooney is NOT running for president :( i would watch sooo much more news than i do now, which is radically more news than i did between 2001-2009 ;) one more reason why i love George Clooney that has nothing to do with his salt and pepper hair, crinkly brown eyes and everything else:
"As for running for president, look, there's a guy in office right now who is smarter than almost anyone you know, who's nicer and who has more compassion than almost anyone you know. And he's having an almost impossible time governing. Why would anybody volunteer for that job?" Clooney told a news conference.

sigh... he is like totally awesome!!! if i wasn't married with several children and a phobia of Los Angeles freeways, i would be seriously stalking that man :)

off to deliver anxious children to their schools then go home and drink soooo much coffee today that i am filled with nervous energy and i have to do Just Dance for hours tonight to wear off the effects (big girl, you are beautiful!) back later xoxo


  1. I am not a fan of school. Is it summer yet? I miss my kids during the day. :( I need to catch up on the Beverley Hills women, I can never remember when it's on.

  2. so how are you handling the pick up times? eeekkkkk freaks me out thinking about it.

    oh and Sugar Bear LOVES to dance to the "big girl song"....kills me.
