Wednesday, October 12, 2011

not that i'm obsessed or nothin.....

but it's currently 9:54pm in 'Chek Lap Kok' China and my new iPhone left there at 4:20pm their time... is it too early to set up a chair on the porch and await the rumble of the UPS truck, as he roars around the corner on two wheels with Tom Jones blaring out....? i need to keep a bucket of crabapples on the porch to gently toss, should he accidentally miss my house as he always does when he has a very important package. "no such address", he jests.... but i don't hear anyone laughing :|

i looked at google earth, 'Chek Lap Kok' is a little island with an AIRPORT ON IT!!! only 13 hours 10 minutes by air... so if it left 5 hours ago (i am allowing 34 minutes for runway taxiing and such annoyances).... it could easily be here by tea time!!!! it's possible - it could totally happen!! this is going to be a changing day in my life :)

i can't wait to take pictures! and talk to Siri and ask her to convey a very complicated tongue twister message about Sue sewing socks to Aaron and then see what she writes to him. oh the laughs we will have with our phones talking back and forth :)

in other news, i really don't love Rosie's new show... i hate the stand-up and the bursting into song (maybe i dreamed this part... i fast forwarded through it in my dream anyway) but i did like Russell Brand about 20% more than i thought i might (previously, i couldn't have liked him 20% less;) because he doesn't eat meat. this weekend we drove past many many dairy farms and saw trucks full of precious, wobbly baby cows with the most beautiful eyelashes, separated from their moms and off to somewhere absolutely horrible all by themselves (sob) and as always it made me sick and want to hijack said trucks and take all the calves home (in our minivan...? yes! i'd move some stuff around and make it work!) but now there's less guilt and self loathing about loving animals dearly but being a total hypocrite and still eating them. or claiming to be practically vegetarian but sneaking a burger because they taste so good. they ARE sooooo good but one meal should not take one life... it's just not right or kind or fair and for the first time, i felt like i was doing what's right for me, so i can sleep at night*

*still can't sleep... now i'm worried about delays in Chek Lap Kok, and not finding the camera dramatically better, and how to transfer everything to the new phone without losing my mind in the process... and what if the case doesn't fit and i have to carry my phone around in a sock... because that would be AWFUL)

ho hum - off to drop off children, walk, shower, watch Lisa Ling's show about American oddities, and pick up children. same crap, different day (although if the phone comes, it will be slightly different)

our weekend away - imagine the coolest, freshest, faintly cedar scented air, soft but crunchy earth underfoot, amazingly clean soft light and nowhere to be by any specific time... and that was our weekend away :) ahhhhhhhhhhhh!

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