Friday, August 24, 2012

pizza and guidos and seizures

the implementation of mean horrible rule number 7 on my 10 commandments of weight loss (so far there are only 7: like no brunch ever - only serious dieting felonies like that make the list).  anyway rule 7: no more pizza on days that don't start with an F :(  (except if Barack Obama/George Clooney happen to stop at the local Round Table;)  but no pizza on this particular F day because last night was a head-shaking disgrace :|   

when people say they shake their head yes (namely Dr Drew who is otherwise so clever and magnetic)  you can only shake your head no, and nod your head yes.  honestly i don't believe Dr Drew ever went to medical school if he doesn't even know that....

also hating
the Real Housewives of New Jersey.  and also the Real Housewives of New York.  sooooo totally boring.  and don't even start me on those greasy ingrown-hairy husbands of New Jersey :|   

Murmur by R.E.M.  like, reaaaaaaaaally loving Murmur more than Automatic and Up....  it's funny (though not funneee) that since R.E.M. broke up and they have selfishly chosen to write no more soundtracks of my so called life, Murmur has been it and it was there all along.... 

new shoes with bigger heels.  because apparently they make you look taller.  i'm so wearing my new tall shoes to L.A. tomorrow to appear taller in real life for the Charles Manson murder tour.

febreze was spelled fabreze.  not that i'd buy it ever (why don't people just launder stinky things.... i don't get it) but the spelling wouldn't be so horribly offensive to my sensibilities.  febreze sounds too much like febrile seizure breeze - like something you spray on a feverish person to cool them down... not something you mask dog sweat and BO with.  just dumb....

oh well, off to the park to spin and jump and play!

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