Saturday, September 01, 2012

five four things

last night i did a bad bad BAD BAD thing... i made the Trader Joe's pumpkin bread with the (double) cinnamon cream cheese frosting (and it wasn't even September yet......)

it's official - i need to start using my new skin lightening cream immediately to counteract the unsightly side effects of (unavoidable) pumpkin overdose.... no amount of BB cream can mask orange skin :|

also: try not to eat ALL the pumpkin bread in one day.  i have therefore frozen it into 16ths (seriously... 16ths?  all that's left is air....) so hopefully one slice per day will not kill the diet... because if it does, Obama will not win the election and then not only will i be fat and unhappy but also there will be a republican president (and therefore doubly unhappy which equals doubly fat) and i will have to move to Canada :|  where i bet it's really cold and you can't possibly work out and also i bet they have tons of cute French bakeries.  oh gosh, i should NOT have fallen prey to the pumpkin bread :(

anyway i just cannot fail - my 'i-must-weigh-125-pounds-on-election-day-or-we're-all-doomed' diet is back in full force, and no questions asked and definitely no lame excuses about big bones and it being that water retaining time of the month.  (i didn't even eat all my ginger cats for breakfast: it's that serious!)  and also i need to run a 5K before election day or he won't win, i just know it.  i have to do something positive with all the overflowing nervous energy that day ;)  gosh, i shouldn't even say that out loud, we all know what happens on day 3-ish of the Couch-To-5K ;)  every single time!  but i will try.  once it cools down ;)  if it ever cools down :|  i will at least try to try ;)

off to the beach with the pups xoxo

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