Tuesday, October 16, 2012

heat, debates and candy dishes

waaaay too hot and waaayy too stabby and definitely deathly allergic to horrible homework duties (same shit different day, i know)

90 degree days and it's going to be triple digits by the weekend the weatherman announced.  and people ask me why i'm moving :| 

coffee - because that's going to cool me down and calm me down (not...)

they don't have homework in Massachusetts... surely they don't have something so horrible somewhere so lovely? 

two huge bags of my least favorite childrens' books to Danny's teacher this afternoon, as bribery so she will say only nice things about him at his conference
that the Target team members all met in the nail polish aisle today - so i couldn't try ten different polishes.  they are SO MEAN!!!  and the manager kept asking all exasperated if i needed help like i was a nuisance :|  grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr 

my blue nails today - they look like Robert Smith's fat little fingers and i hate them.  but if i take off the blue polish, they will look all stained and dirty like Courtney Love's.  and i just want to look like Kate Middleton - is that too much to ask???? 

if the pink rosebud sheets are discontinued in king size because i couldn't find them today... not even online either.  i guess white sheets will just have to do since i am not a big fan of patterned/colored sheets but seriously, i never get anything i want!!!   

for it to be 6pm already.... Obama, ginger cats and coffee are go!

if Obama botoxes his armpits or he just doesn't sweat - hmmm

also wondering
if he keeps his candy stash in a drawer since there is never any on his desk (not that i'm obsessed with looking at his flickr pics at full resolution ;)  actually even though i'm a total candyhog, i have no evidence of it on my desk either (because if i did, it would be eaten within 10 seconds flat... maybe that's it...)

back to school for the third time today xoxo

1 comment:

  1. actually my physical science teacher taught me that you are supposed to drink hot things when you're hot and cold things when your cold. i know. i don't get it either.

    we do have homework. boo.

    they probably thought you were stealing! ;)

    and just a little secret....the bedding (housewares) department is going through a transition right now so clearance clearance clearance!
