Sunday, December 23, 2012

infomercials, ice, pickles and Chris Martin

i was the kind of person who didn't open all their presents before Christmas.  sometimes being the grown up in your own life sucks :|

to Juno (if i owned it, and knew how to turn the TV to DVD, i'd surely watch it instead :)

infomercials didn't suck me in... today i bought stupid dumb 'Slim in 6' while eating chocolate hob nobs and ginger cats in bed.  and we all know i will never do it, since i can't even turn the TV to DVD :|

to go the beach tomorrow and find shells and make perfect beach themed ornaments.  but we'll probably decide it's too far/too windy/too boring and stay at home (i do believe i'm getting blase about living in paradise...)

diet coke with 7 chunks of mini ice

R.E.M. didn't break up.  there's a whole new chapter of my story with no soundtrack.  well there IS a soundtrack but it's not angry and pissed off or beautiful and heart wrenching.  Chris Martin is doing his best but he's no Michael Stipe....

speaking of paradise (that song is about here, you know;) some insanely nice person cuts out coupons and leaves them at the entrance to the grocery store all arranged by category (i bet that insanely nice person is a little bit dull....)

 trying to shock old people with random acts of violence and affection
 he's his mother's son ;)
 it's those twig things again!!!  if i wasn't convinced i can make cool stuff, i'd just buy one ;)
i have no clue what the Cape's obsession with pickles is about....?  
they have pickles on Christmas trees here :|
tentacles too :|

eight is the new seven
 and still a baby :)