Tuesday, January 15, 2013


it's a noise canceling headphones kind of night (whoever invented them: thank you very much)

it's a Madonna kind of night (i know, right? what's up with tonight??! because i don't even sort of L.U.V. Madonna ;)

it's a super dark, unstarry, cloudy kind of night and it might even snow!! (i looooooooove that even the weather here has personality and emotional range)

it's an online furniture shopping kind of night (did you know Target sell couches?? yes, not nice ones but they do sell couches)

it's an oatmeal with extra crunchy peanut butter for dinner kind of night (i didn't feed my children squirrel food, so don't go calling the cops ;)

it's an amazon smiley box kind of night (does ANYONE ANYWHERE get their UPS packages before 6pm...? we are always the last delivery on earth no matter where we live....)

it's a booooooring Dr Phil kind of night (only jaw-droppingly horrible stories grab my attention these days... the most fascinating thing about Dr Phil these days is that everyone's hair moves on stage)

it's a cold feet kind of night (even though i know it's going to be OK... much better than OK: awesome, in fact)

it's an eighth of a unisom kind of night

it's a looking-up-Australian-facts kind of night - did you know lollies in Australian means all candy, not just lollipops?

it's an extra hot, extra bubbly bath kind of night

it's a milky decaf in bed kind of night

it's a Jon Stewart catch-up kind of night

off to climb the wooden hill to Bedfordshire and get cozy xoxo


  1. it's totally going to be awesomely perfectly ok. because i said so. xoxo

  2. Why yes, I DID know that about Australian lollies!
    I know many other interesting facts about Australia too, so if google ever lets you down, I'm your phone-a-friend :)

  3. You bought a house? Gosh Im so behind in blog reading. I need more hours in my days.
