Monday, February 25, 2013

un Manic Monday

to Barbra Streisand and Neil Diamond and Barry Manilow -i love them all and did you know they're all from Brooklyn??! i kinda knew that already but after being a NYC tourist this weekend, i now absolutely have it drilled into my brain forever more :)

Barbra Streisand at the Oscars.... she gives me goosebumps - she's on my non-existent bucket list.  also on the list: see Bill Clinton with my naked eyes....  and have coffee with Michael Stipe to ask him how on earth he always knows what's coming next in my life so he can write a perfect song about it.  and go back to Nice, France.  and go to Disneyland with my grandchildren.  that's it.  it's a short but "wonder full" list :)  living on Cape Cod has been checked off (to quote David Byrne... how did i get here????!) 

also loving
the moon tonight.  no light necessary in the bedroom - it lights up the entire room :)

also also loving
being back on the island of Cape Cod after the bustle of the island of Manhattan... i love New York like a sister, but going home to Massachusetts was sublime (and my hubbie met me with milky decaf and a warm McDonalds apple pie and i shared my Dairy Milk and a bazillion funny stories with him)

i need to apply the acid face peel again... i did it gingerly at 9:15am and left it on for 3 mins and i don't see huge peeling blistering patches of skin yet... so clearly i need to do it TWICE every day and not follow the instructions on the bottle which seem to be written by someone with a much lower pain threshold and a much much patience than me!

a long extra warm bubble bath - i'm still achey and weary from too much walking/laughing this weekend (it was the b-e-s-t kind of unrepeatably perfect weekend away)

misty Manhattan

Melissa: the real life starlet of Cash Cab :)
from one Trophy Wife to another - thank you oxox
 the Copacabana - where Lola was a showgirl (with yellow feathers
in her hair and a dress cut down to there)
ps i still can't figure out why Rico called her "Rover" ;)
Lady Liberty looking all on her lonesome after Hurricane Sandy
(she can't have any visitors right now....)

 i came THIS CLOSE to drinking this soda because it had the words New York  and a cute heart
 on it.  but i didn't because it's Lent and all, and i intend to have absolutely NO vices whatsoever 
 don't ever ever ever take a tour with the green jacket people - oh my gawd - NEVER!!!!

dearest Manhattan... you're looking happier these days

the perfectest day ever

i kinda love the shiny optimistic stunningly beautiful Freedom Tower
(and taking pics of it under construction to someday share with my grandchildren :)
back to where the heart is - bliss

1 comment:

  1. i'm so glad that you got to visit! it looks like the two of you had so much fun. :)
