Monday, May 20, 2013

monday morning

super intensive two scoops coffee with waaaaay too much cream and sugar to make it drinkable

to stalk Taylor Swift's Rhode Island home just to see why on earth she bought a house there????  and sold the Cape Cod house????!!  because that does NOT compute.... unless Watch Hill is just that amazingly beautiful.  and if it is, well then cool, because it's closer than Cape Cod :)

insanely exhausted.  like jetlag, post-flu exhausted.  24 hours in New York City equals 7 days in the burbs.  on the plus side: a biore pore strip after 24 hours in NYC is like a miniature forest ;) 

Maltesers.  just like yesterday and the day before and the day before and the day before....

if it's just me or if anyone can understand that new housewife on RHOC - her voice is horrible

also wondering
if i'll ever ever miss OC....  whenever i see it on TV looking all tilt-shifted and very selective camera angle-y,  all i remember is the awful traffic, the sweaty heat every single day - even if the day started cold it turned into a meltdown by noon without fail, the constant crowds and lines and rules, the unfresh air, the beaches littered with discarded corn cobs, dead seagulls and chicken bones, the grabby hands for anything of any value, the stray animals running in traffic with people actually aiming for them (urgh), the inability for there to ever be any kind of honor system, the Ed Hardy teeshirts, the Oakley sunglasses, the soul patches, the Calvin pissing stickers, Carls Jr, the super white women in super white jeans in super white SUVs, the Santa Anas.... ehh, i think it's going to take a while

also also wondering
if Danny's going to be OK at school today... urgh i just remembered he said he was sick when he got up, and wanted to stay home... we just put him on the schoolbus in our hurry to check all the boxes on the morning schedule :O.  i guess we should expect a call ;) 

old and slightly random pics....oh plain white parsons table: why are you soooo bloody hard to find?  shouldn't this be an IKEA item???!
 and reviews for the Big Sur table say it isn't for careless, clutzy people 
- and we are definitely careless and clutzy...
 pretend husband #8 is a Canon man ;)
 pretend husband #9 is a leftie just like my real husband :)
 i love this bear thing with rosy cheeks
 really old picture of one week old Sam and me ;)
  George is my favorite Beatle for obvious reasons

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