Monday, September 30, 2013

monday night things

to Ignoreland. from Automatic for the People. by R.E.M. (best album ever)

shoestring french fries and baked beans (best meal ever)

diet coke and coffee (before bedtime. and i wonder why i can't sleep ;)

the most tragic outfit ever - half pajamas and half daytime clothes. and a cardigan :)

like moving (i get bored of e-v-e-r-y-t-h-i-n-g after 6 months)

for a new lens (wide angle of course), some very exciting new gel that promises perfect shiny lightweight curls (i'm kind of obsessed) and ink.... lots and lots of inkyblack ink

it to be a week from now. because.... that's when our VISITORS arrive!!!! the kind who bring suitcases full of English Cadbury's!!! and make it necessary to go somewhere beautiful every single day

to really get the oil changed in the car. the warning light's been on since June... eh

what became of the man who disappeared at Walden Pond this weekend while we were there. he was swimming with his wife and was never seen again (very spooky....)

 this is Walden Pond (with no sign of the missing man...)
 signs you're in Vermont....

seriously: i was crawling.  today i read that 90% of moose are hit between 7pm-midnight
in early Spring.  information that would have been useful to know yesterday....
we could have got home SO much faster ;)  omg though, the pictures of dead moose(s) that ended up totally inside peoples' cars with severed limbs and terrifying starey eyes... 
i'm going to have nightmares :|
waiting for the schoolbus (my favorite time of the day!!)
i really need to start taking my "big camera" with me - it's soooo beautiful here

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