Tuesday, November 05, 2013

lunch pails, school uniforms and albums from 1973

to go back to Trader Joe's, and this time not get distracted by the pretty orchids and tulips, not buy ginger cookies and not stop at the tasting hut (TWICE) to sample mozzarella sticks i had no intention of buying, and go straight to the lunch pails and actually buy them this time (i went in for one thing - ONE THING!!!  lunch pails)

on Spotify - because she should have music wherever she goes :) 

to Morrissey cover David Bowie's Drive-In Saturday... i haven't heard that song since like 1980!  but i still know all the words ;)

the Aladdin Sane version (don't tell Morrissey :)

to go back to Ocean State Job Lots.  favorite store ever.  i need Portuguese muffins to wean myself off pumpkin bread with cream cheese frosting...

how on earth a gel manicure knows when two weeks is up... mine peeled off EXACTLY two weeks after it was applied... to the hour???!  how did it know???!!  Mother Nature is a source of never-ending curiosity, fascination and google searches

what on earth the new subdivision sign will look like... hoping it has a little bench or some kind of place to sit even though i never sit there :)    

ordering a humungous box of strawberry only Laffy Taffy in a moment of utter weakness.  i cannot NOT eat that stuff.  and 145 pieces will wreak havoc on my fillings and i don't want another of those awful things.  sigh.  what to do.......

for my school blouses to arrive.  not that i go to school... but i love pretty white Catholic blouses with scalloped peter pan collars and foldover cuffs ;)

to try Wen conditioner.  but knowing it will leave my hair limp and blah and disappointing (everything always does...)

that it's a minimum day today!  hip hip horray!!  that means warm bread rolls dipped in garlic and herb olive oil, salad with Italian dressing and slightly charred pizza at Bertucci's :)

finally sending
pics to England from our NYC trip in February (better late than never i always say ;)

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