Sunday, February 23, 2014

flu, itchiness and other really bad things.....

from the deathliest flu.... at least i think it was flu (even though i had a flu shot for the first time ever), it was the one you feed at any rate :|

to go to the gym - it's been of week of kid-ness and then flu-ness. i get flashing lights in my eyes and seriously out of puff just putting my socks on, never mind working out.  what am i going to do???????

the slowness of spotify.  i could DIE waiting for it to start :(

so itchy (at least i hope it's due to my mud face mask pulling every impurity out of my pores and not my light ash hair color making my hair fall out....).  now everytime i itch i think of the poor lady in that cancer commercial.  she felt itchy - she thought she had a rash - and she had freaking CANCER :|

to the bits of surround sound that make it all the way upstairs - suspenseful music, screeching tires, guns - these are a few of my very unfavoritest things :|

all kinds of dirty for watching the Farrah porn vid today.  i don't know what on earth possessed me to (i'm blaming the flu) but i was watching Teen Mom updates (as you do when you have flu) and the presenter lady (who was a Mom too) was all like "duhhhh, how can anyone NOT have watched it?!!"  so i was all like, what: it's online????!!!  and i'm the only person who hasn't watched it.....?  and so i watched it.  i'm going to hell, aren't I, Sister Barbara/Sister Savio/Father Flatley......?  maybe not because it was lame.  maybe you don't go to hell if it's just lame amateur porn?

off to rinse all this crap off my face/out of my hair and scratch like CRAZY!!! horray for 30 minutes!!!

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