Thursday, January 07, 2016

shakshuka, nonworking Ns, holes you dig and massholes you don't

i'm craving shakshuka like C-R-A-Z-Y.  maybe it's the eggs... or the spicy red sauce... or the falafel... or the white dippy stuff... or the bread... or maybe JUST ALL OF IT!!

i really need to figure out how to use emoticons on here and in real life.  words just don't do it.

my capital N doesn't always work.  it just worked just so i look pointless

i'm still recovering from being outdoors for an hour on Monday.  seriously New England?  this is why everyone here is sooooo dour and pasty white/green.  WE NEED SUNLIGHT!!!  WITHOUT FROSTBITE!!!

i have to admit i get so absorbed in Danny's school books that i can't wait to read them with him.  we are reading Holes.  it's beyond compulsive reading.  i can't say the same for Making a Murderer.  at best it's just, thank-God-I-don't-have-to-hear-that-accent everyday viewing... blah

i bought a table yesterday and it's kissably beautiful.  AND a total bargain!!!!

back later - must read more Holes!!!

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