Saturday, November 08, 2008

it's a beautiful day.

i am back from the brink of death. should have got the damned flu shot that i rolled my eyes at, in alberstons last weekend. i realized that flu shots aren't just for the weak/people with too much time on their hands about 1am on sunday morning... and again at around 3am... and on and on and on. but in true Michelle Obama style... i am NOT complaining because my dvr is only 15% full now, my christmas tree skirt is seconds away from completion and my pants are wonderfully loose (ahem, looser...)

i can tell how sick i am by how many of my pets are sitting around me looking gravely concerned about who would bake their chicken broth bones and make their litter smell like french lavender if i should die. there are 3 out of 4 right now...

i spent the afternoon making a cape cod picket fence to surround Sam's christmas village out of popsicle sticks and wire. everytime i do something like this i am so so glad i am not in China making 70,000,000 units for walmart. twisting wire is not good for your hands... i am typing with what remains of my bloody stumpy fingers... excuse the squelching noise :)

will i ever EVER get used to having to dial 714 when calling a local number? nope.

must work on dumb stupid christmas card... i am seconds away from quitting and buying 99c cards at walmart. so if you get a 99c walmart christmas card just know that you're still on my A list ;)


  1. Shame you're sick. I've had this darn headcold for over a week now, pretty much going on over two weeks. Bleh! I hope you're feeling better today!


  2. Anonymous9:08 AM

    So sorry you were sick..arg..that sucks.
    Better you didn't get the flu shot, now your immune system is that much stronger and you didn't have to make your system fight all those nasty chemicals that would only lessen your symptoms if at all.
    oh and your pants are looser. can't beat that feeling, LOL!!!
    will you share your card here after the A list receives them? I would love to see them :)
