Wednesday, November 12, 2008

is it friday yet...?

there is an unsub on the loose (i cannot remember for the life of me what unsub means i know it means bad guy...) someone has crept into my private bathroom haven and completed one of the number searches from my private puzzle book collection... it wouldn't be such a big deal but i can only do the simple ones at the front of the book and the perp chose to do NUMBER ONE... (the ones at the back are for total geniuses and i have no idea how anyone does them without copying them from the answers, so we know the unsub isn't smart either :)

if i hear the word madagascar or that song 'i want to move it move it' one more time... i will spontaneously combust, i am soooooooo not kidding. surely it's bedtime? somewhere in the world it's bedtime, surely..?

i cannot resist a shiny tempting offer. at coinstar if you put $40 or more into their coin sorting thingie they will give you an extra $10 back and that is an offer too good to be true... so now i am staring at my bucket, trying to guess by weight, how much is in it... if i take it to stater bros there will only be $37.53, i just know it, and i will have to beg the cashier for $2.50 in quarters to make up the difference...

walked for the first time in a week today due to my lame flu. it was a perfect 73 degrees. all the lame-o McCain lawn signs have gone (!) and the awful 'yes on 8' homophobic goat family have finally taken down their HUGE OBNOXIOUS YELLOW 'yes on 8' sign. but the 'no on 8' lesbian labrador couple's sign now reads NO ON HATE. gooooo labrador family!!! gosh i sure wish i was brave enough to talk to them over their picket fence, i want gay friends soooo badly, it's palpable (sob)

i hate projects such as photobooks. i have never successfully made one without losing my mind/having to take an anti-anxiety pill/hating the finished product. today i thought it was my lucky day - oprah had some fancy offer for an EASY free snapfish book, a $29.99 value :) so far i have sat and watched dots spin maddeningly in circles for hours on end, while it 'loads'. i am guessing today isn't going to be my lucky day either.

my omnipresent-headache-of-the-last-few-days-is-gone playlist:
kitty - presidents of the usa
watch that man - david bowie
sweet child o mine - guns n roses
orange crush - rem (like losing my religion/man on the moon/etc i have never listened to this song all the way through by choice because it was sooo mtv played to death... now when i listen to it i actually quite like it :)
paranoid - black sabbath (yes Aaron... i do and did when you were in short pants;)

dandanPicture 012


  1. So, could the pictures from today be ANY cuter!? I think not! So so cute! Your day sounds a bit like mine except Im tired of hearing any little jingle from Noggin. Moose and Zee are getting on my nerves!
    Hope your weeks going well!

  2. Love the zebra. We have one of those. It's all the McDonalds seem to have.

    Also love the striped pajamas!

    "We like to move it move it. We like to move it move it." I hear it all the time too.

    I have said it before, and I have to say it again, "I love your header."

  3. Anonymous6:37 AM

    Why not bake some cookies and take them to the gay neighbors. You can tell them that you appreciate their sign and continued support for "no on h8te" and that you sincerely agree with them. Wear your Obama t-shirt and you will so be in!

  4. So glad you're feeling better.

    I tried doing the photo book yesterday too and seriously wanted to throw my computer. It was MADDENING!!! So I left it open and let it load all night only to come back today to finish my order and the damn offer isn't there anymore?!?!?! Gggrrr, I give up. Free was too good to be true anyways, right?
