Tuesday, December 02, 2008


i say chewsday but aaron says toosday. these little differences fascinate me especially to see which way my boys choose to pronounce words, Sam uses mostly English pronunciations, Danny mostly American. pree-sentation. tom-ay-to. ga-raj. al-ooo-minum. queue-pon. may-sure (that one makes me feel weird) i could go on and on... but i am sure it's only fascinating to me :)

i am a little bummed today, i know i know, same story... different day. i have been saving electricity for an entire MONTH, turning off ceiling fans on boiling hot days, reading in the dark, doing laundry at midnight, only to find we shaved just 50 kilowhatevers off our bill. i blame Bush (for everything! it's his fault i have been glued to the TV/internets for the past month)

so i have this bottle of 'Cape Cod air' by my kitchen counter... i bought it there and transported it home in bubble wrap and layers of clothing so as not to lose any of the magical air inside. sometimes when the going gets rough i take a deep breath from my bottle and drift off to Nauset Heights for a couple of blissful minutes... anyway today i noticed my bottle of "authentic" Cape Cod air was actually made in CHINA. NOT in Cape Cod??! can i sue? if so, i want to be a storyline on Boston Legal with Alan Shore in my corner :) is that show REALLY canceled? it can't be, i love it... it's just not fair!

i am making one of those godforsaken picture books for Sam of his birthday. yes i have been threatening to actually complete a book for years but today i am determined to conquer my demon. sure, since i started it i have been distracted by an iTunes emergency download, Oriental Trading Company's sale, an email from an old friend, two trips to the toilet and a hugfest with Blackjack, a sudden need for lavender and amber perfume, warmer socks, 3 cups of coffee, a quick IM chat, searching for a deeply fudgey brownie recipe... but now... i am DEFINITELY working on the damned book!!! back later when it's done (hahahhhhahaaa!!)


  1. And yay! I am glad to have found my own personal distraction of your blog. Now I can add it to my Google Reader and check it from my iPhone! How cool is that?

    Having a blog has been on my list of things to do, but I don't have the kind of voice necessary to keep a blog. When inspiration strikes, I can write well, but I am afraid inspiration won't visit me each and every day.

  2. Anonymous10:35 AM

    Oh carol you crack me up.I say Chewsday to....deffinatly a British thing :0)

    (~sarah~ from flickr)
