Monday, December 01, 2008

white rabbits, white rabbits, white rabbits!

it's been a nutty couple of days and i am feeling toxic due to:
a) no time to take pictures for own dopamine release
b) no time to sit and blog away my troubles
c) not enough fast food or in fact any food...
it shows in my pissy-mistic attitude and unwashed hair pulled into the world's greasiest bangtail. must blog, must order animal fries, must take pictures asap. oh and wash my hair :) that's a MUST.

the boys received their letters from Santa Claus today (shh... they were sent via North Pole, Alaska. thanks Sarah ;) (maverick variety wink) every year i think it will be the last year Sam believes in Santa Claus and despite being told by the white SUV kids at school that Santa doesn't exist, the boy has a mind of his own and still believes in the magic :)

today i achieved something even bigger than world peace. i received my christmas cards via Mr UPS who usually claims our house doesn't exist... i survived the post office and they actually had holiday stamps in stock (but Danny wanted Mickey Mouse stamps instead:)... i got my children to actually SIGN the cards... and got 93% of them in the outgoing mailbox! that pesky 7% of dead letter office letters on my desk depress the hell out of me - they're missing zip codes, last names, or i have to somehow find out if they are still alive/married/... sigh that 7% gets me DOWN :(

speaking of the most wonderful time of the year i attempted to do some Christmas shopping this weekend. gawd how i hate buying useless crap that really doesn't suit the recipient but just checks the name off my list. i just suck at buying gifts unless they are for me :) anyways, i bought this completely LAME "domestic goddess" piece of crap apron kit thing from Joann's (nearest Joann's from Cape Cod: 20 miles) it is totally impossible to make (my skill level is roughly that of a 6 year old) so then i bought a bracelet kit from Michael's (distance from Cape Cod also 20 miles) for ages '8 years and up'... we will see if i can handle moving to 3rd grade art. somehow i know it will still be in my drawer on Christmas Eve at 9pm and i will sit up all night making/cursing it. urgh... can we cancel this Christmas and just stay in Vegas til 20 January 2009?

sigh. my DVR is 4% full. is there anything more depressing than a sad looking empty DVR with just a couple the Soup repeats? for some reason my asshole DVR decided to not record Oprah or Desperate Housewives this week. maybe it can sense my building disdain for those shows and is giving them a week or two of rehab.... which doesn't make sense because my DVR DOES record the entire season of Real Housewives of Atlanta every single day (which i admit to loving... but you can only watch a catfight so many times... i am soooo on Nene's side by the way, and there is NO WAY Kim is under 40:) hehe... i love that show!

soothing songs of yesteryear playlist:

love me tender - elvis
mona lisa - nat king cole
let it be - beatles
catch the wind - donovan
moon river - frank sinatra

random pics:
we heart smiley boxes
Mr Bumps has been in that spot since friday... day and night :) 1tree
Sam and his 'green town' school project (that Aaron and I work tirelessly on:)
i had to check the temperature to make sure hell had NOT frozen over (it was 73 degrees.... sorry Graham:) but this is a picture of my kids actually being nice to each other!
Scranton, our elf on the shelf, is working his magic over my boys (thank you Jodi for Scranton, he is very loved:)
our poor starfish are one by one disappearing from the tree (Romeo doesn't like to eat ribbons however:)


  1. I wanna see you r christmas card- will you send me one with a mickey mouse stamp??? Please??
    Laura Hamilton
    927 Arnold Way Menlo Park, CA 94025

    Yippie- I can't wait!

  2. I feel the same way about the last two days. I had so much going on, I never got to just do my favorite ordinary things.

    What is that city thing that Sam built? Looked cool.

  3. Had to wait all weekend to get my tonic of your fab photos...Love the smiley face and the puss!

    Now if only I could get a photo of my kids being nice to each there's a challenge.

    I just soooo love that music playlist today.
    Nat King Cole, a voice like smooth silk and an Elvis ballad. I recently downloaded "I just can't help believing'" and have played it so much I am sure I can hear the scratches ;-)

    On the school run today Wogan played "Top of The World" by the Carpenters...what a fabulous voice Karen Carpenter had.

    A couple more I have just rediscovered;
    The Marmalade - Reflections of my life
    The Casuals - Jesamine
    (Let me know if you need the Mp3s)

    Oh nostalgia, I must be getting old but they don't make them like that anymore!

    Oh by the way Carol, it's Tuesday, that means only 5 days to go!!!
