Sunday, May 31, 2009


i adore every single one and want to write them all down somewhere so i never forget them. so i am going to keep adding and adding and adding to this post as they happen. danny has another name for just about everything. a hotel is a "hotelo" and pizza hut is "pizza hunt". there's no such thing as tomorrow - it's 'next day' and yesterday is 'last day' :) want to know what something crunchy but not too crunchy is? yogurt :| and someone who's mean but not too mean? his teddy bear. gawsh i love the bones of him.

today he awoke and with his hands on his hips and his 'see this face? it's MAD!' expression snapped "i don't wike the smell in here!" he said. i sniffed and sniffed but could smell nothing. "it smells wike the rain and i don't wike it!" he said. huh??? "over there, that machine makes it smell like the rain!" ohhh, you mean the sound machine...

rectangles (sandwiches) for lunch. red things (strawberries) for dessert. yes, it does all get awfully confusing... but how i loooove 4 year olds :)

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