Friday, May 29, 2009


the awful stiff neck i had last week has slowly seeped into every part of my body and rendered me limp and lifeless. i think i have flu. so why am i beating myself up when one trip to the top of the slide at mcdonalds leaves me half dead and gasping for breath? why??? i am SICK!! (i think... i hope... or i am totally unfit and lame) i should be in bed watching Split Ends and sipping hot sweet tea with an entire packet of digestive biscuits beside me to dunk in it. sigh, the woman on Oprah was right: being a mom does suck 80% of the time. of course all the people with nannies/cleaners/no kids immediately jumped down her throat for even thinking such a travesty, i think she deserved the nobel prize for honesty and being super cool :)

today i photograph the third grade. with flu - i promise not to breathe on them while doing it and i swear it isn't swine flu, it's just regular crappy flu. and school is almost over so no biggie if it is, right ;) then as it's a minimum day, i am taking Sam on a big date. life must go on!! we are going to Maggie's Pub. after all, doesn't every mom take their 8 year old to a PUB for a date??!

i have decided the devil is living in our DVR. i bet no-one wants to come and take pictures of that though, why can't we have the Virgin Mary living in there instead? anyway, that DVL (as it SHOULD be called) always waits til there is some cliffhanger about to be announced at 9:59pm and then the big X comes on at exactly 10pm and it freezes at the absolute most crucial second of "and the winner is...." drama. just just just... one second more....pleeeease? noooooooo!!!!! and if there is a conflict, why must it choose the fighting show e-v-er-y-t-i-m-e over the trashy jon&kate tabloid show??? why???! clearly it IS male, in addition to having a cruel sense of humor. also, we have to keep a collection of small dinosaur toys all over the top of ours because the warm vents are attractive to our cats who climb up there to groom themselves and then throw up hairballs (why?? i have no idea...)

oh well. time to go... another day breaks in paradise :)


  1. oh dear. I hope you feel better soon.

  2. trish mccoy9:04 PM

    I do hope you feel better quickly.

  3. Wow! That pic of all the people jumping is amazing!
