Thursday, June 18, 2009


must must must must must get the brake lamp fixed... it is driving me crazy seeing that red warning light everyday and sapping every ounce of my lifeblood. and driving without braking when a policeman is following you is pretty much impossible :| today a policeman followed me all the way to target and i managed to not brake and in one stroke of driving genius, accelerate so the car trying to cut me off had to go behind me, thus buffering the view of my broken tail light from the policeman - phew! maybe the stress of that mess added to the whiney skateboard incident caused the total nervous breakdown today....

or maybe gummivites really aren't strong enough to power a grown up human :| or maybe i have flu. or maybe i DO just need a weekend away....

i hate to the power of one million when people refer to children as 'little ones'. urgh!! i hate 'little man' especially. and i hate when people refer to little girls as 'princesses'. they are CHILDREN not royalty and all children are equal. hmph.

and i really hate the real housewives of new jersey - when are they going to fight? i keep watching and waiting but it never happens! i don't even know them by their most annoying flaw yet... it just sucks all the way around.

sigh. i don't like today much.


  1. oh man...I'm racking my brain her to remember if I have called Danny a "little one" or "little man" ever....eeeekkkkkk.....

  2. Getting someone between you and the police man was GENIUS!! I don't know what I would have done (but for the instant braking I do when I see a policeman that would have already said "look at me, I have only one brakelight"!!) Genius!

    You do so much. I hope you wake up and today is a new start. Or, at least, you wake up and there's something good on the DVR.

    Love, Steph
