Monday, July 27, 2009

is today over yet...?

because i need my cure-all prescription of good icecream and pitifully bad 'dance your ass off' more than any other day in history. it's 8pm and i still didn't comb my hair, put on deodorant or change from 'sleepy morning clothes' into 'proper day clothes'...

today Danny:
  • spilled rice crispies all over the car floor before we ever got out of the garage (oh yes and all over the garage floor too... it's like walking on the moon in there)
  • tripped over his shoes more times than i can count
  • walked into a car mirror and gave himself a mild concussion
  • tried on shoes that were fastened together and forgot they were tied together and went to run and fell flat on his face
  • got his finger stuck in a hole in the sand and water table
  • was 'bitten' and 'scratched' by his savage new pet Jerry, who really doesn't bite or scratch
  • bawled about us swapping out the rickety cart he chose at the grocery store
  • bawled about not having a sport top on his water bottle
it's been a long, but fun day :| made only slightly bearable by these adorable babies
1ratsPicture 428
1ratsPicture 218
1samPicture 471


  1. Love these pictures Carol.
    You are making me want rats and trust me, that is something I thought I'd never say! :)

  2. me either Ash. never in a million years - but Jessica on Flickr's pictures and talking with a sudden influx of rat lovers twisted my arm and they ARE way cooler than hamsters

  3. oh my word. what fabulous photos. You inspire me so very much. thank you.

  4. Love those heart shaped tails.

  5. Uncanny, Just listening to Michael Jackson "live" singing Ben and I just had to show my daughter your photos...your photography just rocks Carol!!

  6. I can't believe how cute you can make little Ben & Jerry (no on Prop 8 poster rats) look!! You're amazing!! If you ever doubted your creative talent, hear this: You make rats look like the most loving little snuggle creatures!! Clearly, you're the bomb!!

    And I laughed about 15 times during the post. Shouldn't it be Danny who's saying, "Is today over yet?" Poor wonderful guy!! Trying the connected shoes on about made me fall out of my chair ... and walking on the moon ... and the "mild concussion" from the car mirror - oh, it was a hard day for Danny. :)

  7. Awww! I'm so in love with the new babies :)
