Tuesday, July 28, 2009


to Ruby's and back. if you walk to Ruby's to get a chocolate peanut butter milkshake, does it cancel out the milkshake...? surely it does and gives you a small calorie rebate towards chili cheese fries too...?

an insane amount of time stroking Jerry's whiskers to make him fall asleep pressed adorably against Ben... the second he fell asleep Ben woke up and i had to repeat the entire process. realized i would totally SUCK with twins, gave up trying and jumped in the pool instead :|

a ton of really really yummy flour tortillas... that the boys saw fit to feed to the pets :|

how does anyone not realize they are pregnant until they are in the throes of giving birth...? how come they don't gain a ton of weight, develop an insatiable desire for IKEA hotdogs and gag everytime they see an egg or a meal that looks remotely eggy for the 9 entire months?? those surely are telltale signs that i just KNOW they must have had too? 'i didn't realize i was pregnant' on tlc is absolutely puzzling to my sensibilities... how can you NOT KNOW you have a watermelon sized parasite feeding off you????? one woman had been doing IVF and duh, didn't think she could possibly be pregnant... but i would think that might trigger an alarm bell or two....?

ck one - and felt so very 1995 :)

for fish on my dish. and chips. and mushy peas. from England. with malt vinegar and ketchup and a thick doorstop slice of british bread. in short - homesick :(

1rats 162

1 comment:

  1. Those furry friends are just too cute!
    Sorry to make you more homesick but we had fish and chips for tea last night. We are fortunate to have one of the best F&C shops in the region about a mile from where we live, we often take them up to Dunstable Downs and watch the world go by. Even better though, by the sea.
