Thursday, September 10, 2009

grateful always...

for the little things like:
  • my GPS.... i would be so hopelessly lost without her. she takes me down secret side streets and on short cuts and always never gets me lost. plus now she has a british accent and doesn't sound so exasperated all the time. her old voice used to make my hands shake with fear like a mean kidnapper was holding a gun to my head making me follow her directions
  • blowpops.... is there anything better than crunchy pieces of candy mingled inside your gum? nope!
  • ohhh but maybe... salt and vinegar stax! with ice cold diet coke and a particularly shocking episode of 'toddlers and tiaras'
  • chatty personal emails buried beneath the ads and reminders
  • finding velcro shoes in Danny's size for $13! yay!!!
  • him running around the mall in them because he loves them so much
  • and the very sweet lady in the shoe store who gave him a pair of socks so he could wear his shoes right away :)
  • waiting for 'the hubbie' to bring home the very baddest goodest fast food :)
  • butterflies that follow you around like they are a lost loved one, saying hello
  • coupons that make buying frivolous items perfectly acceptable
  • constant friendship
  • yelp

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