Tuesday, October 20, 2009

i love......

everything in it's place and perfectly clutterless counters

it being my 'other' birthday for the purpose of a free birthday meal at the wonderful hometown buffet :)

when Danny gets home from pre-k and is singing fragments of the songs all afternoon... right now he is singing 'move it back, move it back - allll dayyyy long!'

fresh, shiny lavender scented wood floors

grosgain ribbon

ruby's peanut butter chocolate milkshakes

oversized things (in particular letters and numbers)

miniature things (in particular grown-up things made kid size)

statues you can touch and take pictures of

still warm, fresh, crusty bread and eating a chunk of it on the way home

old fashioned hardware stores

jo malone nutmeg and ginger (it stops me from feeling sick)

straight tree lined streets with no cars parked on them

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